
Movie Casting

'Young Latina Girl' Needed For Jennifer Lopez Movie Filming In NJ 'Young Latina Girl' Needed For Jennifer Lopez Movie Filming In NJ
'Young Latina Girl' Needed For Jennifer Lopez Movie Filming In NJ Is your New Jersey child a young Jenny From The Block? A Jennifer Lopez film shooting in New Jersey is looking for kids to play a "young Latina girl," the younger version of Lopez's character. The movie, "Office Romance" is being produced by Netflix and is directed by Ol Parker, who helmed "Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again," and "Ticket to Paradise." The scene will be shot on Wednesday, Feb. 12 in a location somewhere in the Garden State. Anyone interested should email romance@gwcnyc.com with subject line "ig young girl," with the following information: Child and guardian’s names Phone nu…
Blake Lively, Justin Baldoni Movie Filming In Jersey City Casting Kids For Paid Parts Blake Lively, Justin Baldoni Movie Filming In Jersey City Casting Kids For Paid Parts
Blake Lively, Justin Baldoni Movie Filming In Jersey City Casting Kids For Paid Parts Are you a kid who wants to share the screen with Blake Lively? A casting notice has been put out for "It Ends With Us", an adaptation of the bestselling Colleen Hoover novel that has been filming in New Jersey since last year and stars Lively and Justin Bardoni.  The movie is looking for kids between the ages of 8 to 12 to portray children at a farmer's market in Jersey City on Tuesday, Jan. 9. The role pays $176 for 10 hours of work. All genders and ethnicities are welcome. "It Ends With Us" — directed by Baldoni — is about the relationship between Lily and neurosurgeon Ryan. Things …
Young Magicians Sought For Paramount+ Movie Filming In NJ Young Magicians Sought For Paramount+ Movie Filming In NJ
Young Magicians Sought For Paramount+ Movie Filming In NJ This may be a dream come true for any young aspiring actors who love magic. Paramount+ is looking for magicians ages 18 and older to portray high school students. The movie is set to be filmed in Middletown in March. The roles are open to all ethnicities and all gender identifies according to this Backstage listing. Covid testing with a $100 stipend will be on March 7 either in Middletown Township or Williamsburg, Brooklyn, depending on your preference;  The featured film shoots on March 9 in Middletown. Transportation will be provided from Manhattan. The pay is a flat rate of $197…