Katz Announces Campaign to Unseat Greg Ball

CARMEL, N.Y.—  State Assembly member Steve Katz  (R, I- Yorktown) officially announced his campaign to challenge current Republican State Senator Greg Ball (R, C- Patterson) - a man he said he once voted for and believed in.

“We were hoodwinked into believing we were sending a reformer to Albany," Katz said on the steps of Carmel’s Courthouse Monday morning. "Like others I voted for Greg Ball believing he was the man who he said he was.” 

Katz said he went to Albany believing the state assembly and senate would work together. He spoke of promises he said the Republican senate made with a solid conservative-pro growth agenda, including reducing the tax burden, fundamental budget reform, reduction in mandates and a reduction or fix to local property taxes. Katz said he, like many others, believed Ball was the man to help get those things done, but instead he’s now the man who “who brags about how he has helped Gov. (Andrew) Cuomo break his promises.”

“I have never endeavored to be a career politician, or to live my life or spend my career on the payroll of the New York State Assembly or the New York State Senate. I don’t wake up in the morning hoping to see my name in the newspaper, I don’t’ go to bed at night scheming ways to assassinate the character of those who might differ with me,” Katz said. “What you see is what you get. There is only one Steve Katz.”

Katz’s announcement came after weeks of rumors that he would run against his former political ally Ball. Ball’s chief of staff and campaign manager issued a statement saying Katz was pulling a “Benedict Arnold.”

Ball made his own announcement to kick off his re-election campaign Saturday, saying he was not worried about a potential primary against Katz. 

“We won’t win by 70 percent, we’ll win by 90 percent,” Ball said. “How many of you knew him before I introduced you to him? We worked with him, I spent tens of thousands of dollars, I introduced him to my family, to my friends, to my support group.” 

Katz said his agenda for senate is that of the people he represents.

“My agenda is your agenda. To reduce your tax burden, cut spending, reduce regulation, abolish unfunded mandates and to create a climate that allows anyone who wants a job to find one,” Katz said. “In 2010 we thought we were electing a state senator who would champion that agenda. That is not what we got. I know the people of the Hudson valley deserve better, I know you deserve better. The Steve Katz you see is the Steve Katz you know, [who] will never be afraid to speak his mind. I will never be afraid to lead.”

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