White Plains' Post Road School Launches Playground Fundraiser

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — Andrea Hazen’s four children pooled their money to buy one of the 200 bricks that will lead up to a new playground at their White Plains elementary school. Soon they will see their $100 investment help prevent recesses from remaining limited to the blacktop and sports fields at Post Road Elementary School.

“My kids saved up their money. They had it in the bank. So they each asked to put $25 towards a brick. They wanted their own brick with their name on it,” Hazen said of her third-grader, second-grader, kindergartener and preschooler, anticipating using the Post Road playground. “I’ve heard of kids holding lemonade stands and selling jewelry to raise money.”

Hazen, along with two other parents, the school nurse, head custodian, physical education teacher and principal, formed a committee in February to help replace a playground that was moved to Post Road when the elementary school opened three years ago. The playground’s size allows only kindergarteners daily access; the older grades take turns using the playground every eight or nine days, said Hazen, chairperson of the playground committee.

The committee has sold 28 bricks engraved with donors' names since kicking off the fundraiser a week and a half ago. Ultimately, Hazen hopes to raise $20,000 from brick sales, $10,000 at a June 16 carnival, and chase corporate sponsors and grants to help raise the full $75,000 by September.

“It’s nice for grandparents, parents, businesses, alumni and kids to be able to come back and, years later, see, ‘there’s my brick and it has my name on it,’” said Hazen. “We will work with those who can’t pay $100 upfront. I think it would be just fantastic to have as many names as possible on that path so that most kids, if not all, will be represented.” 

Preliminary design plans feature equipment not more than a year old. Hazen said she and other parents wanted something that kids wouldn’t grow bored of and would “figure out by using their imagination.”

“All grades will be able to have access to it. We’re looking to accommodate 60 kids at a time,” said Hazen. “The idea of this is exciting for the kids. It’s a place for them to escape from the pressures of school and just get out.”

Spanish and English brick order forms are available in the Post Road main office, online and be emailing a request to

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