
Brain & Spine Surgeons of New York

Non-Surgical Treatment Options Available At BSSNY Non-Surgical Treatment Options Available At BSSNY
Non-Surgical Treatment Options Available At Bssny Brain & Spine Surgeons of New York offers treatments other than surgery to address patient concerns. In fact, BSSNY has a whole practice dedicated to providing patients with pain relief without undergoing surgery. The practice, known as Spine Options, is located on the third floor of BSSNY’s main office in White Plains, N.Y. It is staffed by three board-certified physicians whose primary goal is to help patients with pain relief so they can live their best lives possible. BSSNY would like to announce the newest member of the Spine Options team, Dr. Neil Patel. Dr. Patel is a double board…
Second Annual Neuroscience Symposium To Be Webinar Series Second Annual Neuroscience Symposium To Be Webinar Series
Second Annual Neuroscience Symposium To Be Webinar Series Last year’s First Annual Neuroscience Symposium was a huge success, but due to COVID-19, BSSNY will be unable to host this year’s symposium in the traditional manner. Instead, we will host a series of free webinars geared toward physicians and other healthcare professionals. These webinars will be hosted by BSSNY surgeons speaking on the latest advances in their areas of expertise. The first presentation will be live on Wednesday, 8/12/20. Please visit www.bssny.com for details such as topics and registration information. Research Proves BSSNY Outranks The Nation In Many Key Ar…
Four-Arm Robot Designed To Reduce Brain Trauma Four-Arm Robot Designed To Reduce Brain Trauma
Four-Arm Robot Designed To Reduce Brain Trauma Dr. John Abrahams filed a provisional patent with the USPTO entitled, “Smart Robot-Assisted Brain & Spine Surgical System” earlier this year. He has been working on this project with Honeybee Robotics (Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York) to create a four-arm robot with a specifically designed robotic camera. The robotic arm would enter into the skull through a small opening in the range of 10–20 mm integrated with an image guidance system to allow for accurate placement and master-slave dissection. The surgeon would orient the robotic arm and then sit at workstation controlling with both…