
Derby Racer

Iconic Rides, Facilities At Rye Playland Get Upgrades, Restoration Iconic Rides, Facilities At Rye Playland Get Upgrades, Restoration
Iconic Rides, Facilities At Rye Playland Get Upgrades, Restoration A beloved Westchester amusement park is being transformed by an extensive revamping project that is already seeing results.  In an announcement on Friday, Feb. 23, Westchester County officials detailed improvements completed at Rye Playland as part of a $130 million capital program that is still underway.  The program was initiated in 2020 when county officials recognized a need to improve the park, which was founded in 1928 and is one of only two amusement parks in the country with National Historic Landmark status.  So far, restoration efforts at the Grand Carousel and Der…