Vatican has nerve blaming child-sex scandal on homosexuality

The Vatican has finally gone too far, suggesting that homosexuality and not celibacy among priests has caused the rampant pedophilia in the Catholic Church.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot
Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot

How disgraceful. If there is a Heaven, do these people really think they have a snowball’s chance in Hell of getting there?

“Many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relation between celibacy and pedophilia. But many others have demonstrated, I have been told recently, that there is a relation between homosexuality and pedophilia. That is true,” said Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican’s secretary of state — Pope Benedict‘s No. 2 man.

Let me get this straight: The Vatican, rather than accept responsibility, first pretended the crimes never occurred. Now it wants to blame homosexuality — which Bertone, the deputy pope, dubbed a “pathology“?

These guys have just gone from obnoxious hypocrites to sinners. Talk about passing the cross….

On top of that, in what may be one of the lamest attempts ever to change a subject, a spokesperson for the Pope said the Beatles have been forgiven for John Lennon’s “more popular than Jesus” crack of 40 years ago.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hello, goodbye.

Is Jesus were alive today to see what’s been done in his name — to quote a line from, of all people, Woody Allen — he’d never stop throwing up.

Jerry DeMarco (Publisher/Editor)

Pedophiles can’t be “profiled.” They come from all ages, races, classes and socioeconomic backgrounds. They can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual — in a word: heterogeneous. Many, in fact, marry mothers of children their preferred age.

You know the one thing they all do have in common? They prey on children because it gives them sexual gratification.

They’re weasels, too: People don’t often suspect them because they take positions of trust and get people to like them — especially when they do things for kids, like give them toys, candy or other gifts.

And while some are open about their behavior, most others look for places where they can operate secretly — such as, oh, the Catholic Church. In just about every case, they won’t stop until they’re caught.

How many times has the Church, in response, simply moved the offender to another parish — in the face of absolute scientific research that shows they’ll never be “cured” of their sexual preference?

What the Vatican has done, in essence, is permit priests to practice pedophilia under its auspices, without legal consequences. The Catholic Church is a safe haven for sex offenders.

That, to me, makes the Pope & Co. enablers at best and accomplices at worst. Crimes have occurred, innocent victims have been harmed. As many laws that were broken, so, too, were as many spirits.

Enough is enough.

Authors Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins already have insisted that authorities arrest Pope Benedict when he comes to England in September and charge him with crimes against humanity for his role in shielding pedophile priests. Created  by Mussolini, the Vatican is not recognized as a state in international law — which means the pope isn’t immune to prosecution, both men say.

I say the United Nations convene a special court and try the Pope, Bertone and their capos for their crimes. Strip them and their perverted child-diddling soldiers of this supposed immunity they hold and put their feet to the fire. Make the Nuremberg trials look like an episode of “Judge Judy.”

Then, once each and every one of them pays his debt to society, we’ll do the Christian thing — and forgive them.

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