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CareMount Medical
  • For Those With Ink Regrets, Tattoo Removal Isn't A Perfect Process

    For Those With Ink Regrets, Tattoo Removal Isn't A Perfect Process

    We all do things we regret. However, when a bad decision results in a tattoo, undoing what's designed to be a lifelong image can be difficult -- and painful.Tattoos have become increasingly popular and acceptable in today's society: some 30 percent of Americans have at least one tattoo. "However, with age and lifestyle changes, many of these people – up to 25 percent -- admit they ...

  • When Are Age Spots More Than Cosmetic? CareMount Doctor Explains

    When Are Age Spots More Than Cosmetic? CareMount Doctor Explains

    As we age, our skin can undergo various transformations. Due to sun exposure, genetics and other environmental factors, dark blemishes can appear on the face, arms and other exposed areas. Often times, these "age spots" are no more than a harmless overproduction of pigment, but sometimes they can be a warning sign of a larger problem."Age spots appear as freckles," ...

  • Don't Make Working Out A Chore: Motivation Is The Key To Staying Fit

    Don't Make Working Out A Chore: Motivation Is The Key To Staying Fit

    Looking to stay fit or get back in shape? It turns out, you're not alone.Recent studies have shown that after decades of immobility, Americans are becoming more and more physically active. According to a 2015 survey, 55 percent of people polled indicated they exercised frequently, a rate that has been increasing since 2008. However, sticking with a regular routine can be difficult. ...

  • Base Tans: Summer Preparation Or Skin Nightmare?

    Base Tans: Summer Preparation Or Skin Nightmare?

    When it comes to preparing our bodies for the powerful summer sun, a bit of early-season color seems to be a natural defense against redness and burning. However, according to dermatologists, developing what's known as a "base tan" and beginning UV exposure early can be deadly.Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. In fact, one in five Americans ...

  • CareMount Medical Shares How To Keep Your Child's Smile Shining

    CareMount Medical Shares How To Keep Your Child's Smile Shining

    WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N.Y. -- Dental decay is the most common chronic medical condition in children across the United States. In fact, it is estimated that nearly a quarter of children younger than 5 years old have cavities, increasing the role pediatricians play in preventive oral health. "As bacteria break down sugars or food debris, they produce acid on the surface of the ...

  • Does Bundling Up Prevent A Cold? CareMount Doctor Tackles Seasonal Myths

    Does Bundling Up Prevent A Cold? CareMount Doctor Tackles Seasonal Myths

    With some of the mildest temperatures on record, this past winter was anything but ordinary. As we transition from winter to spring, and snow melts once and for all, the change in temperature can cause many people to catch a common cold. Why does this happen around the change of seasons, and how can one stay healthy? Dr. Howard Hinestroza of CareMount Medical shared his tips on how to ...

  • New At-Home Treatment Revolutionizes Dialysis And Kidney Treatment

    New At-Home Treatment Revolutionizes Dialysis And Kidney Treatment

    By the time a chronic kidney disease that requires dialysis is diagnosed, many patients have already been through a lot. What begins as nausea, fatigue, swelling and vomiting quickly escalates to the treatment stage, which often requires a kidney transplant and hemodialysis. While hemodialysis is effective at removing toxins from the blood stream, it can be a burdensome process. That's ...

  • With Strokes, Seconds Can Saves Lives Says CareMount Medical Doctor

    With Strokes, Seconds Can Saves Lives Says CareMount Medical Doctor

    According to the American Stroke Association, stroke is among the ten leading causes of disability and death in the United States. However, when a stroke strikes, it's important to act fast, said Dr. Paul Magda, a neurologist at CareMount Medical. It might just save a life."During a common stroke, oxygen and nutrients are blocked from supplying vital brain areas, by a clot within ...

  • Stressing Your Heart Out? CareMount Doctor Explains Cardiac Correlation

    Stressing Your Heart Out? CareMount Doctor Explains Cardiac Correlation

    WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N.Y. -- Nobody likes feeling stressed. Not only does it make us feel not ourselves, according to CareMount Medical's Dr. Richard Keating, it can set off a chain of damaging physical and emotional effects. Heart disease is the top killer of both men and women, claiming more than 600,000 lives annually. While cardiac abnormalities can be triggered by a variety of ...

  • Not All Rotator Cuff Injuries Are Equal Says CareMount Medical Surgeon

    Not All Rotator Cuff Injuries Are Equal Says CareMount Medical Surgeon

    MOUNT KISCO, N.Y. -- Whether it’s combing our hair, getting dressed, or just reaching for a snack in the fridge, many everyday activities require us to lift our arms. Unfortunately, those with a rotator cuff tear in their shoulder often can’t make simple movements without pain and weakness. However, thanks to advances in surgical and non-surgical procedures, patients with shoulder ...

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