
Safe Sex Practices

HPV: Not Just Your Daughter’s Vaccination, According To CareMount Medical Expert HPV: Not Just Your Daughter’s Vaccination, According To CareMount Medical Expert
HPV: Not Just Your Daughter’s Vaccination, According To CareMount Medical Expert As a teenager enters the exam room for their yearly checkup at their doctor’s office, chances are his or her physician will ask if they are familiar with the sexually transmitted disease human papillomavirus, most commonly known as HPV. Over the years, there has been a rise in the discussion of HPV amongst families, adolescents and physicians. And why wouldn’t there be? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection and nearly 80 million Americans, most in their late teens and early 20s, are infected with the virus.* HPV is …
HRHCare Gives The Lowdown On Sexually Transmitted Infections HRHCare Gives The Lowdown On Sexually Transmitted Infections
Hrhcare Gives The Lowdown On Sexually Transmitted Infections Talking about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), sometimes known as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), can often be awkward! But if you are sexually active, knowing the facts about STI prevention is very important to keep you and your partner safe and in good health. So, let’s get started! What are STIs? STIs are infections that are spread through sexual contact. Other than colds and flu, STIs are the most common contagious infections in the United States. Some of the most well-known STIs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, syphilis and human papillomavirus (HPV). STIs…