Croton resident Molly Greece purposely and grossly misquoted my position on immigration to spur "outrage" and manufacture "bigoted comments that wreak of conspiracy theories". Like Catherine Borgia, who called Rob Astorino a Nazi for his veto on her Sanctuary County Act, Ms. Greece uses hateful language to dishonestly muddy our political discourse.
Ms. Greece, a member of Indivisible, a political activist organization along with Ms. Borgia, reported my position as "What supporters of illegal immigration are really supporting are ... child trafficking, incest and rape." Ms. Greece skips an entire paragraph of content to fabricate such an outrageous and irresponsible thought. Think of the consequences if we were to tolerate such dishonesty in politics. We could claim a political opponent said absolutely anything with three dots.
I truly believe diversity is what makes America great and strong when immigration is legal. When it is illegal, it taxes our social system, our jobs, our schools and for those who break the law, our communities. I will work for immigration reform while supporting all citizens fairly.
Overcrowding and illegal housing modifications put our immigrant population at risk, and in an emergency, first responders of becoming trapped. What supporters of illegal immigration are really supporting are: landlords charging excessive rents for poor and unsafe living conditions taking advantage of our immigrant population; and, employers who take advantage of illegal immigrants by paying them unfair wages.
Illegal immigrants have been victims of child trafficking, incest and rape. Some Illegal immigrants are afraid to report deplorable acts and conditions, for fear of deportation. So let's not work to keep them ILLEGAL. I will work to help them become legal to protect our citizens.
Aren’t we getting tired of these political games, toxic rhetoric and divisive words? My COMPLETE position on this and other issues like the closure of Indian Point, the opoid crisis, taxes and the economy can be seen at As a career police officer and volunteer firefighter/EMT, I have always put people before politics, as Legislator, I will do the same.
Robert Outhouse – Westchester County Legislator Candidate – District 9
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