Letter To The Editor: Let's Develop A Plan For Downtown Ossining

OSSINING, N.Y. -- Ossining Daily Voice accepts signed and original letters to the editor up to 350 words. To submit your letter, email

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When I first suggested a roundabout as a possible creative

option to improve our Main and Spring Street intersection (AKA 5

corners) I had no idea how much controversy this option for the public

safety project would cause.

As a Village Trustee it is important that the confidence you

have placed with me for the past 5 years continues. I am committed to

making sure all decisions are done as a community as much as

possible. I have heard the public comments and concerns on this issue.

What is clear is that we need a holistic plan for our downtown to be

developed with community input, a process that had started originally

and was abandoned in 2014. We've waited this long, I don't believe

waiting a few more months to make it as right as possible would cause

any harm.

We have many talented and experienced people in Ossining

and our community should absolutely draw upon those valuable skill

sets. I kindly ask and encourage all such people to apply for the

Downtown Redevelopment Working Committee [DRWC]. The

selection for the DRWC should and will be impartial. As one member

of the BOT I can tell you I will be looking for the best qualified people

to represent our community even if they have never before been

involved in Village affairs. For those not chosen for the committee or

those who can not make the commitment, I strongly encourage your

participation through emails, letters or phone calls.

We can all agree that we want what is best for our Ossining and

its future. Please note, I am not stuck on the idea that a roundabout

must be part of the plan. In fact, I believe that the DRWC's mission

will be less than optimal if they must work around a roundabout.

Maybe they’ll decide it is a good idea and maybe they won’t. The

important thing is that we have a collaborative process that puts the

best plan possible forward for the future of our Downtown Ossining.

Manuel Quezada, Ossining Trustee 

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