
Alecia Turnbull

Westchester Medical Center Helps Young Dancer Fight Mystery Diagnosis Westchester Medical Center Helps Young Dancer Fight Mystery Diagnosis
Westchester Medical Center Helps Young Dancer Fight Mystery Diagnosis ORANGE COUNTY, N.Y. -- Many serious health diagnoses can often be pinpointed to a single, sometimes minor warning event. For Sheila-Anne Arline, an 11-year old dancer, a seemingly innocuous ankle injury marked a traumatic episode that would ultimately span several doctors and the entire Eastern seaboard. “Her ankle swelled enormously, unbelievably,” recalled her mother, Alecia Turnbull. Having moved her family from New Windsor to Fort Lauderdale, Florida six months earlier, Turnbull thought the swelling was due to Sheila-Anne’s contact with some bug-infested floodwater. Then Sheila-Anne beg…