On Tuesday, the New Rochelle Police Department announced on Facebook that they were investigating an incident to determine whether the as-of-yet unidentified individual violated any of policies governing their use of social media.
According to multiple reports, the individual posted: “It’s fine to be anti-police, but be 100 (percent) about it. Don’t call the police when your world is in disarray to help deal with the worst 10 minutes of your life. Figure it out yourself or better yet call Shaun King and Black Lives Matter for help.”
The officer has reportedly been suspended without pay for his actions. Officials with the New Rochelle Police Department could not immediately be reached Wednesday afternoon for comment.
The New Rochelle Police Department issued a lengthy statement on Facebook announcing the investigation.
“The post was neither made with the knowledge or approval of the Department, nor does it reflect the opinions of the Police Department and its members. This matter is being fully investigated and discipline will be forth coming should it be determined t hat the individual member violated the Department’s policy governing the use of social media.
“The N.R.P.D. will continue our efforts to foster trust, communication and cooperation between members of the department and the community we serve.”
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