The New Rochelle Police Department has issued a coyote warning in the city after residents reported several sightings near Nature Study Woods. Cats should be left indoors at all times, and dogs should be kept under direct supervision and restrained if they are being walked or let outside.
“There have been sightings of coyotes in the area. Coyotes may come out at any time of day or night. A number of factors encourage coyotes to interact with humans, including: people leaving out food for animals and the presence of unenclosed refuse containers,” the warning reads.
According to police, coyotes are protected under state wildlife regulations, and can only be put down if they pose a threat or appear rabid. On Friday, New Rochelle resident Jackie Moore said that while she hadn’t seen the wild animals, she thought they should be left alone.
“If they aren’t dangerous and don’t go after anybody or run up to their doors, they should just leave them be,” she said while clearing snow on Beechmont Drive. “They’re just animals being animals. No harm.”
Recently, a coyote was spotted outside City Hall on North Avenue, but because it was sickly and appeared to have sustained an injury, it had to be euthanized by animal control officials.
“I’m not overly worried about it, but I definitely won’t let my dog out on its own for a little bit,” Fifth Avenue resident John Wilkinson said on Friday. “It’s really not a big deal. They’re probably just as afraid of us as we are of them.”
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