
Alex Rodriguez

COVID-19: State Launches 'I Stay Home For' Campaign, Using Celebrities, Social Media COVID-19: State Launches 'I Stay Home For' Campaign, Using Celebrities, Social Media
Covid-19: State Launches 'I Stay Home For' Campaign, Using Celebrities, Social Media New York State has launched a campaign to encourage residents to stay home and help combat the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on Wednesday, April 8 that the state was launching the “I Stay Home For” social media campaign, which is designed to encourage New Yorkers to stay at home and practice proper social distance protocols. “This is about who you are staying home for. This is not about staying home for yourself,” Cuomo said. “You stay at home for others, for the vulnerable people, who if they get this, they are in a very scary state. You’re doing it fo…