
Ft. Montgomery

Video: 'Monster' Fish Caught On Camera Bursting Out Of Hudson River Video: 'Monster' Fish Caught On Camera Bursting Out Of Hudson River
Video: 'Monster' Fish Caught On Camera Bursting Out Of Hudson River Did Nessie take a vacation to the Hudson Valley? Garry Gleason was kayaking in the Hudson River with a friend when an enormous fish leaped into the air much to his surprise. According to the kayaker, the fish was approximately eight-feet long. In disbelief at what he had seen, Gleason conferred with a fellow kayaker, who was looking in a different direction. At that point, Gleason remembered that he had a Go-Pro camera on him, and he confirmed the massive fish in the water in a video that has since gone viral on Facebook. The fish was caught on camera just north of the Bear Mountain Bridg…