

Westchester Honors Retiring 'Cyber Dog,' Detective Who Worked To Sniff Out Electronics Westchester Honors Retiring 'Cyber Dog,' Detective Who Worked To Sniff Out Electronics
Westchester Honors Retiring 'Cyber Dog,' Detective Who Worked To Sniff Out Electronics County officials are honoring the careers of a retiring Westchester…
Operation Safeguard: Police In Westchester Step Up Patrols For Holidays Operation Safeguard: Police In Westchester Step Up Patrols For Holidays
Operation Safeguard: Police In Westchester Step Up Patrols For Holidays Westchester County Police crews were out in full force over the extended…
Westchester Welcomes New Police Academy Graduates Westchester Welcomes New Police Academy Graduates
Westchester Welcomes New Police Academy Graduates Sixty police recruits graduated Friday, May 25 from the Westchester County Police Academy and…

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