
Democratic Leaders

Be Extra Vigilant After Pipe Bombs Sent To Westchester Homes Of Clintons, Soros, Says DA Be Extra Vigilant After Pipe Bombs Sent To Westchester Homes Of Clintons, Soros, Says DA
Be Extra Vigilant After Pipe Bombs Sent To Westchester Homes Of Clintons, Soros, Says DA In the wake of incidents involving pipe bombs sent to the home of Bill and Hillary Clinton and political activist George Soros in Westchester, area officials in Westchester are teaming with federal officials to increase security in the region. On Wednesday, pipe bombs that were headed to the home of the Clintons in Chappaqua and former President Barack Obama in Washington, D.C. were intercepted by Secret Service members. Explosives were also received at CNN in Manhattan (addressed to former CIA director John Brennan) as well as other Democratic leaders. On Monday, a pipe bomb was also found…