Sleepy Hollow-based, Hudson Valley Surgical Group has conducted countless thyroid procedures and can create custom solutions to get patients back to daily life in no time. "The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck," said Dr. Har Chi Lau, a surgeon at Hudson Valley Surgical Group. "It produces hormones that control the speed of metabolism and helps the body use energy. Thyroid disorders can slow down or rev up metabolism by disrupting the production of thyroid hormones."
To help patients determine if they have a thyroid disorder, HVSG conducts a pre-surgical test which determines the full thyroid panel. The Minimally Invasive Surgery team understands that thyroid surgery is a delicate procedure that leaves a patient with a visible scar, much different than other surgeries. That's why their surgeons are particularly sensitive to incision length when it comes to thyroid removal.
Until recently, thyroid surgery had required an open operation through a large incision. Now, with over 30 years of experience, the team at Hudson Valley Surgical Group performs thyroid surgery through smaller incisions, which results in significantly less scarring. "Our technique has evolved over time and we have expertly mastered outcomes so most patients are ready to go back to work within days," said Lau. "Limiting disruption of the glands is key. A majority of work-ups often find that patients do not even require surgery."
Symptoms of thyroid disorder can result in an unexplained change in weight, swelling in the neck and low energy. It's important to visit your doctor if you're experiencing these problems before they get worse. "If surgery is required, our team will walk our patients through a step by step guide to come up with a plan that works best for them.
For more information about Hudson Valley Surgical Group, visit their website.