
Pleasantville Pharmacy

Details Emerge After SUV Slams Into Northern Westchester Pharmacy Details Emerge After SUV Slams Into Northern Westchester Pharmacy
Details Emerge After SUV Slams Into Northern Westchester Pharmacy Pleasantville Police Chief Erik Grutzner hs provided new information after an SUV slammed into the front of a pharmacy in Northern Westchester, sending glass and merchandise flying. The crash took place around 12:22 p.m. Friday at the Pleasantville Pharmacy at 63 Wheeler Ave.in Pleasantville, said Grutzner. The crash occurred when a man driving a Toyota Highlander, who was parked in front of the pharmacy, backed out of his parking space and hit a passing car on Wheeler Avenue. He then put the car in forward and went to go back into his parking space, but instead of stopping, he hopped the c…