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Eat Well, Sleep Well, Be Well: How To Stay Safe And Sane During The Coronavirus Pandemic
Many things affect your immune system adversely. Two key factors among those? What you eat and your stress levels. Both are more important than ever as you fill your grocery cart in preparation of hunkering down under the threat of coronavirus.
Comfort food, especially in this unprecedented time, has its place, but your shopping cart shouldn’t only contain chocolate chip cookies, ice cream and potato chips. While the best defense against colds, flus and other illnesses is a year-round offense of eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep, several nutrients do play a role in enhanc…
A New Year, A Healthier You!
If you’re thinking about making some New Year’s resolutions, I’d like to suggest that this year, you go beyond the typical goals of losing weight or exercising more and instead, take a longer view and focus on your entire state of health: mental, physical and emotional. Here are 10 ways to do that.
10 ways to have a healthier 2020
1. Exercise regularly
Yes, I admit, I put “exercise more” as the first one, but this doesn’t mean you suddenly have to run a marathon. You can add more exercise into your life in small, easy steps, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or taking a walk a…