

NY Auditions For 'American Idol' To Be Held On Zoom NY Auditions For 'American Idol' To Be Held On Zoom
NY Auditions For 'American Idol' To Be Held On Zoom Striving New York singing stars will have a chance to show off their talents to ABC's "American Idol" producers via Zoom before they ever face the panel of famous judges. That chance comes on Wednesday, Aug. 23 when the show holds its first round of Idol Across America. But before warming up those vocal cords wanna-be stars need to sign up online and need to be at least 15 years old. The dates of the online Zoom try-outs for 'American Idol.'X/American Idol Patrick Lynn, senior supervising producer on the show told Daily Voice the virtual auditions really allow anybody to try out for th…
COVID-19: Biden Tests Positive, Has 'Mild Symptoms' COVID-19: Biden Tests Positive, Has 'Mild Symptoms'
Covid-19: Biden Tests Positive, Has 'Mild Symptoms' President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID-19, the White House announced on Thursday morning, July 21. The 79-year-old Biden, who is fully vaccinated and double boosted, is "experiencing very mild symptoms," the White House says. Biden tested posted after a trip to Somerset, Massachusetts on Wednesday, July 20. Biden has begun taking the therapeutic Paxlovid, the White House said. "Consistent with CDC guidelines, he will isolate at the White House and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time," the White House said. "He has been in contact with members of …