So last week, Leah brought in attorney Steven Ebert of Ebert & Associates, to provide an in-depth course to agents at Bronxville-Ley. The curriculum (which is approved by the NYS Department of State) for "New Development Transactions" included detailed information that these agents can readily use to assist in the sales at Kensington and elsewhere. Topics included what to expect and look for in the Offering Plan, the process of Attorney General approval, the potential costs (and savings) to buyers, financing, closing dates and more.
Bronxville-Ley Real Estate has a long-standing culture of education. Leah Caro states, "I work to make sure our agents are better educated and informed, whether it be about flood insurance, working with international buyers, or managing the sale of new condos. Our sales associates have the skills and resources to do their jobs expertly. We want to do more than just put sales together, we want to benefit the consumer."
For information about new condo sales, or for any other real estate need, please contact Leah Caro at 914-337-1234 or