Bronxville Journal: A Tall Man in a Small Village

BRONXVILLE, N.Y. -- Bronxville being a small village, it's not easy for somebody to pass unnoticed in its streets. But for Geoffrey Kellogg, 25, this is virtually impossible: he is 6 feet 8 inches tall, the same height as LeBron James.

"I wouldn't be surprised if I am the tallest person in town," he said.

A graduate of Bronxville High School, Kellogg said he hated being tall when he was a teenager.

"That's when all you want is to fit in", he said.

With time, though, he got used to it, and today even sees some advantages. Somebody would certainly think twice before trying to harm him. As for other matters, he said his height is no handicap either.

"I never dated a girl that didn't like that I was tall," he said.

As far as genetics is concerned, Kellogg has every reason to be tall. His father is 6 feet 5 inches and his mother 5 feet 9 inches. His elder brother is also tall, but still three inches shorter than him. Contrary to what people may think, however, he didn't play basketball in school. He played tennis instead, which he does until today.

Having majored in English at Wake Forest University in North Carolina and working on a Master of Arts at the University of Southern California (working now from Bronxville), he plans to teach English in High School, somewhere in New York City.

Kellogg said he doesn't really want the title of Bronxville's tallest resident. But as long as he stays in town and no taller man claims it, he will remain, no matter how modestly, looking down on everyone else from the top.

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