
Bronx and Hutchinson Rivers

City In Westchester Let Raw Sewage Flow In Sewer System, Discharge Into Rivers: Feds City In Westchester Let Raw Sewage Flow In Sewer System, Discharge Into Rivers: Feds
City In Westchester Let Raw Sewage Flow In Sewer System, Discharge Into Rivers: Feds A city in Westchester will have to take action after failing to comply with environmental requirements and allowing raw sewage to enter sewers, causing it to be discharged into nearby rivers, federal officials said.  The US Department of Justice announced on Tuesday, Sept. 19 that both the United States and the State of New York entered into a civil Consent Decree with Mount Vernon to resolve ongoing litigation regarding sewage entering the city's sewers.  According to federal officials, the city failed to comply with Clean Water Act requirements for municipal storm sewers, causin…