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Pace Students' Elephant Ban Bill Passes In State Senate

PLEASANTVILLE, N.Y. -- Thanks to students at Pace's Environmental Policy Clinic, elephants may not be coming to a circus near you. The Elephant Protection Act, written by eight Pace Students, passed in the New York State Senate by a vote of 62-0.

Taught by professors John Cronin and Michelle Land, the clinic announced that the New York State Senate has passed by unanimous vote the Elephant Protection Act (S7805), conceived and written by the students of the clinic. Local state senator, Terrence Murphy, fought assiduously for the bill's passage, which bans entertainment elephants in circuses and other venues in New York State.

Other similar, but less far-reaching, attempts have failed in both houses of the state legislature for more than a decade. "I owe it to the Pace students," said Murphy. "Entertainment elephants are on their way out." ​ The measure still must be considered by the Democratically-controlled NYS Assembly, where procedural challenges have delayed the bill's passage. 

The Environmental Policy Clinic students drafted the Elephant Protection Act and 1,100 members of the Pace community signed a petition in support of the bill. The clinic is part of Pace's Dyson College Institute for Sustainability and the Environment.

To read previous Daily Voice coverage on the bill's passing, click here.

To view a short video on the students and the bill via FiOS1 News, click here.

Photo left to right: Shannen Biserta, Norman Sanchez, Professor John Cronin, Nicole Virgona, New York State Senator Terrence Murphy, Pleasantville Mayor Peter Scherer, Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, Jessica Alba, Pavan Naidu, Michael Tierney and Professor Michelle Land.

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, Pace University. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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