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Pace People This Week: Rio, Natural Foods, Visit To Cuba

PLEASANTVILLE, N.Y. -- Here is a roundup of newsmakers and their news in brief from Pace University:

Pace Professor Joseph Ryan was quoted in a Homeland Security Today article about security concerns surrounding the Rio 2016 Olympics. Read the full story here.

Environmental Author-in-Residence Paul Greenberg and Executive Director of Environmental Law Programs Jason J. Czarnecki wrote an OpEd in Time called "It's Time for the FDA to Define 'Natural'". It can be found here via Time.

Maria Luskay and Pace student Joseph Ramiro-Gonzalez were on ABC news program Tiempo, and were interviewed about their documentary Cuba's Crossroads--Hope, Rock and [R]Evolution. Watch their interview here.

Dr. Jennifer Pankowski and Dr. Joan Walker have published a paper on their work with their avatars. Specifically, this work focuses on the outcomes of placing a NYC Teaching Fellow and PLV tradition grad students in identical TeachLivE simulations.

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, Pace University . Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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