What Are Your Thoughts On Julie Killian's Plan To Bring Term Limits To Albany?
- I agree that it’s time for term limits in Albany
- I disagree on bringing term limits to Albany
- I'm undecided on term limits in Albany
Killian believes that by introducing term limits in state government, voters can break the grip career politicians and the "old boys' network" have had in Albany. It's this network, she believes, that has made New York government the most corrupt in America and New Yorkers the highest taxed citizens.
Killian, a mother of five, has pledged to practice what she preaches, and term limit herself in the State Senate. As her very first act, she plans to sponsor legislation to impose term limits on all state officeholders.
What are you thoughts on term limits in Albany? Take the survey below and see where others stand. All answers are anonymous.
For more information about Councilwoman Killian’s campaign for State Senate, please visit her website.