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White Plains Hospital Prepares To Open 5 New Operating Rooms

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – White Plains Hospital has long been a regional leader in the field of surgery, and was one of the first hospitals in Westchester to offer robotic surgery. As of Jan. 1, 2016, White Plains Hospital will have five new brand new, state-of-the-art operating rooms open and ready for patients.

The first new OR, completed in 2013, was designated specifically for minimally invasive and robotic procedures and includes the latest da Vinci® surgical system. The four other operating rooms will all be in use in January. All are designed to support the most advanced surgical procedures, enhancing efficiency, safety, and patient comfort.

According to Kaare Weber, MD, White Plains Hospital’s Director of Surgery, “White Plains Hospital is going to be the first hospital in the tri-state area to obtain the latest generation of miminally invasive technology in these operating rooms. Everything about the new operating rooms, from floor to ceiling, has been extremely well thought out and deliberately planned.”

White Plains Hospital’s brand-new operating rooms include the following features:

  • The latest robotic equipment – The da Vinci® robotic surgical system allows surgeons to perform more complex robotic surgery – including procedures such as prostactectomies, nephrectomies, gynelogic surgeries, head and neck surgeries, colorectal surgeries and general surgeries.
  • An advanced surgical video system – The new operating rooms have an integrated video system, the 1588 AIM Platform by Stryker. This innovative system allows nurses to control equipment remotely and surgeons to control the equipment at the field of surgery. The system can also be used for training purposes, and includes three cutting-edge pieces of technology:
  • IRIS (Infared Illuminated System) is a visualization technology designed to reduce risk of damage during surgery.
  • ENV (Endoscopic Near Infrared Visualization) enhances the visualization of anatomy in real-time during procedures.
  • CLARITY is a video enhancement device that uses military grade technology to help surgeons see through smoke and murky fluid. It also improves color to enhance depth perception for the surgeon.
  • Specially designed floors – The floors in all the new ORs are single-pour concrete floors, with no seams or cracks, to increase cleanliness and minimize the potential for infections.
  • The latest in anesthesia equipment- The latest in advanced anesthesia equipment ensures safety and comfort for all surgical patients, supported by board-certified and fellowship-trained anesthesiologists.
  • State-of-the-art ceilings and lights - The ceilings have laser-guided surgical LED lights that automatically focus and illuminate the surgical field with minimal shadowing.
  • High-efficiency booms - All equipment is housed on booms. Not having to wheel equipment in and out of the ORs increases efficiency and mimimizes wear and tear on the equipment as well as the staff.
  • Rooms that accommodate the latest technology – The operating rooms range from approximately 650-700 square feet, offering sufficient floor space to accommodate the latest robotic equipment.
  • Central sterile area – This “behind-the-scenes” area is crucial to ensuring all instruments and implants are fully sterilized for the OR. The new central sterile area has advanced state-of-the-art sterilization equipment to minimize infection. It is directly tied to the operating rooms by two elevators.

The new operating rooms are part of White Plains Hospital’s campus-wide transformation, which includes anew six-story patient tower with brand-new lobby and entranceway, 24 private patient rooms, and a new labor and delivery wing; an expanded cancer center, and a second cardiac catheterization laboratory.

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, White Plains Hospital. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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