'Snooki' Fans Swarm White Plains Bookstore

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – Hundreds of fans swarmed the City Center Barnes & Noble Thursday to catch a glimpse of Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, including Nicole Maratto, 16, of Somers, and Alexa Wolf, 16, of White Plains, who came with matching pink necklace charms they got engraved with the words “meatball” and “sausage” as a gift for the “Jersey Shore” reality TV star.

“We’re going to try to tell her to start a trend and tell her to give it to J. Wow and start a new team sausage,” said Wolf, referencing some of Polizzi’s fellow castmates. 

Wolf and Maratto joined the line that snaked around the bookstore, chanting, “We want Snooki” and “Meatball.” As anticipation for the Marlboro, N.Y. native’s arrival pulsed through the crowd, some fans climbed on bookshelves to catch a glimpse of the author’s arrival.

“I think I might die when I talk to her. She’s my idol.” said Maratto. “She’s a very strong person because a lot of people make fun of her and she just brushes it off her back. She’s her own person.”

Polizzi, 23, flashed a few peace signs before sitting down and signing copies of her new book, “Confessions of a Guidette.” A security officer with Barnes & Noble said the bookstore expected more than 500 people Tuesday night, and had extra employees on staff. 

Khalena Ibrahim, 18, of Syracuse, N.Y., was among the first fans to arrive at Barnes & Noble when she, her sister, and a friend began standing in line at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, four-and-a-half hours before Polizzi was scheduled to arrive.

“We read her book, it’s adorable. The best part is the facts about her you didn’t know,” said Ibrahim. “She’s very real. she talks about how she’s a sci-fi geek in the sense that she has seen all the ‘Star Wars.’” 

Ibrahim and her sister Nafisa Ibrahim, 14, traveled from Syracuse to White Plains just to see Polizzi The two bought a sparkly pink headband and jar of pickles with their friend Dina Martinez, 27, of Yonkers, as a gift for the “Jersey Shore” star, who is a notorious pickle lover.

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