North Castle Library Adapts to Digital Age

ARMONK, N.Y. – As technology advances, society is forced adapt accordingly in order to keep up with the ever-growing digital age. The North Castle Public Library took a step toward enhancing its digital future when it recently incorporated downloadable e-books to its catalogue.

The digital book collection is available for readers to download, anywhere there’s an Internet connection, to library computers, Nook, Ipad, and, most recently, the Kindle, which gives the option to buy the book through when it expires.

“The important thing is giving people the option to go digital, like everything else, you have to keep-up,” said Edie Martimucci, head of reference at North Castle Library. “It is very convenient and it’s exciting.”

The library owns a Nook, an Ipad, and a Kindle, which Martimucci uses to teach a downloadable devices class at the library every Monday at 10:30 a.m. She said she has noticed a lot of people switching from traditional books to e-readers but she still sees a lot of people who like to physically hold a book in their hands instead.

“It’s like contacts or glasses,” she said. “It just depends on personal taste. I feel there will always be a need for books.” Still, Martimucci said e-readers, “open up a whole different world and a whole different digital experience, which is nice.”

In order to borrow e-books, patrons must have a library card, and Martimucci said, if people don’t have a card yet, this is a great reason to get one.

After the loan is up on an e-books, it expires, which means there’s no need to worry about traditional late fees.

Libraries across the country are keeping-up with technology and Martimucci said that she knows that’s what will keep them around into the future.

“The library will become a hub for cultural learning, education and entertainment,” Martimucci said. “Libraries are a resource and they’ll be around for a while, they just have to keep adapting.”

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