If Iowa Caucus were in Armonk, Romney Would Win

ARMONK, N.Y. - If the Iowa caucus were held in the Armonk area Tuesday night, Mitt Romney would be the winner.

"I'd vote for Romney because he's the only one who's going to be electable," said Dan Ellis, from North Salem. "Ron Paul is interesting but too off target in terms of world affairs and more will come out about Gingrich in terms of his marriages and the payments he has received."

Another area vote for Romney came from Andrew Beyda, a Greenwich resident who said, "He's the best candidate on a couple of levels. I can't see myself voting for Ron Paul, he's like a crazy uncle."

"I guess Mitt, who else is there?" asked Gaetano Monica, from Yorktown Heights. "How can you vote for Newt?" But Monica also said, "I'd vote for Cain if he was still in there."

A fourth vote for Romney came from a man who requested anonymity who said, "He's the best candidate to go forward. He's not perfect but the best we can get right now."

Not everyone in the Armonk area supports Romney. "I'd vote for Newt Gingrich despite his moral problems," said Christopher Brown, who lives in Pleasantville. "He has the most widespread appeal across the U.S. It's unfortunate there were so many negative ads against him. It tore him down."

Morgan Porpora from Armonk would vote for Ron Paul. "He's libertarian and he'll get more votes from the general public in the presidential election."

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