Send Us Your Letters To The Editor, Armonk

ARMONK, N.Y. ? Many readers have asked if The Armonk Daily Voice will publish letters to the editor. The answer is yes. We want to hear your opinion.

If you are concerned about a local issue, want to share your thoughts on a more far-reaching topic, or would like to give your opinion on someone working hard in the community, we want to hear from you.  The Armonk Daily Voice welcomes letters and they should be sent to and will be published on our Opinion page.

Here's what we ask from you:

Identify yourself. The Daily Voice accepts signed, original letters to the editor. Your email and phone number should be included so that we can contact you with questions. Your contact information will not be published or shared.

Letters may be edited for length and grammar. Letters should be no more than 450 words and may be edited or rejected for clarity, taste and libel.

Be respectful. Controversial topics are fine, even encouraged, but The Daily Voice encourages direct and honest debate. We will not publish letters that are intentionally inflammatory, violent, threatening or racist.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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