Pelham Parishioners Celebrate Easter Sunday

PELHAM, N.Y. — Parishioners of Pelham’s Christ Church filled the pews for a 9 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead after dying on the cross.

The Rev. J. Randolph Alexander, who presided over the Episcopalian/Anglican service, was glad about the large turnout and urged churchgoers during his sermon to mind the gap between who they are as Christians and the doctrine they should be following.

“Throughout our lives, we’re all speeding believers,” said the rector. “We’re still trying to understand what that means. We do it in fits and spurts and have to confess and start again. A day like Easter is a reminder of the blessings that we have.”

The 17-year priest said that Jesus rising from the dead is “full stop, beginning and end, what [Easter is] about,” and told his followers to remember that in their daily lives.

Children, with their Easter baskets in the pews with them, followed their parents in singing hymns, with Alexander shouting, “Alleluia! Christ is risen,” and parishioners responding, “The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!”

During the Mass, Alexander spoke the Easter doxology and praised Jesus for the good that he brought to Christians by resurrecting.

“He [Jesus Christ] is the true paschal lamb, who was sacrificed for us, and has taken away the sin of the world,” Alexander said. “By his death, he has destroyed death and by his rising to life again, he has won for us everlasting life.”

Some parishioners of the 620-member church continued the celebration of Easter Sunday with refreshments after Mass. 

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