Company Owners Match Students with Tutors

As they strive to help students improve their grades, Julie and Kevin Donnelly, co-owners of Club Z! Tutoring Services of Northern Westchester connect them with the tutors who can make it happen.

The South Salem residents meet with students and their parents to find out what academic areas they are struggling with, get a feel for how they like to learn, and set them up with a tutor who can help them develop the tools to succeed.

“We find out what the goals are and what they hope to accomplish,” Julie said.

The tutors then visit the clients’ homes and work with them on a one-on-one basis, which Donnelly said is more effective because the curriculum is customized to meet the needs of each individual student.

It is also especially beneficial if extra attention is needed. She said if a high school student was having trouble on the math section of the SATs, for example, her team would not only work on test preparation for the SAT, but if it was then determined the child was struggling with basic math concepts they would bring in a math specialist to “fill in the gaps.”

The Donnellys and their team offer help in math, science, social studies, reading and writing, state exam preparation, foreign languages and more. They service children in all grades and even adults.

She and her husband Kevin expanded Club Z! Tutoring to Northern Westchester in May of 2011 because she said they both have a passion for education. She holds a Master of Arts degree from Teachers College at Columbia University and has experience developing training programs for corporate sales forces. He has a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and an M.B.A. One of her greatest rewards during the last few months, she said, is that she has been able to see academic success firsthand.

“You have a student struggling and you can bring in a person to make the difference,” Donnelly said. “Then the grades improve and they have built confidence."

Club Z! Tutoring of Northern Westchester draws students from all towns in Northern Westchester, stretching from Purchase to Tarrytown and up through Peekskill to North Salem.

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