Armonk Resident Likes Sharing Town With Frosty

Ed Woodyard has a warm spot for Frosty the Snowman and Armonk. He has been instrumental in creating a day to celebrate the fact that Armonk is Frosty’s hometown.

Woodyard, vice president of the North Castle Historical Society, learned that according to folklore, Armonk is the inspiration songwriter Steve Nelson used for his famous song, Frosty the Snowman. Nelson was a resident of Armonk.

The first Frosty Parade in 2010 was expected to be a town event, including a couple of hundred people. All were surprised when approximately 1,000 people attended to march with Frosty through the town. This year’s Frosty Day on Dec. 10 has been expanded to include local talent in the parade, a reviewing stand and other winter activities for the family.

“There is lots of enthusiasm around it,” Woodyard said. “It felt really great for people to come together last year.”

Woodyard and his wife, Nancy, raised their family in Armonk.

“I didn’t know that when I married my wife I was also going to marry a town,” he said. “I’ve been involved in a bunch of stuff.”

He has been active in everything from the Lion’s Club to the school district’s educational foundation. Woodyard also runs a business in town, helping high school students navigate the college application process with "College Advice."

“The best college is the one that is the best fit for that student,” he advises.

He says he likes being so tied to his town.

“I would much rather be George Bailey than mean old Mr. Potter,” Woodyard said, referring to the movie "It’s A Wonderful Life." He said Armonk “is a town where people know each other and say hi to each other. It’s a little bit like Bedford Falls in that respect.”

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