Rediscovering Wellness: Food is Fuel

Ever look at food simply as fuel? You may have but perhaps never really focused on what "type" of fuel your body needs.  Fresh, high quality foods are what fuel our bodies and brains for long-lasting energy. Especially mid-day when we need to keep our brains functioning and our bodies moving at full capacity.  

Take a moment and think of your favorite dream car of all time, your prized possession that you frequently take out for that mid-day drive. You notice the fuel gauge almost on empty…. would you fill that car up with just ANY old generic fuel? I don't think so. That’s how we have to view our own body, as our prized possession and give it the best quality fuel out there to sustain a healthier more energized YOU!  Let's go a step further for some of us who have children, would you give your child just any old fuel? I hope not!!  Just as we would treat our prize possessions with such care, let's do that for our kids and ourselves! 

Here's a simple list on how you can do that. It is not uncommon to think we're feeding ourselves and our kids healthy lunches but in reality, there are these little “unknowns” out there that we are not considering might be bad for our body, so look at this as sort of your lunchbox cheatsheet for you and your children.

Sandwich Lovers - skip the pink-shaded processed meats such as ham, bologna, salami, pepperoni and even hot dogs.  They are loaded with sodium that could lead to high blood pressure and hypertension even in kids. They are also preserved with sodium nitrate, which can increase risks for heart disease and diabetes. Sodium nitrate is also shown to play an important role in developing a food-related hypersensitivity that can develop into an allergic reaction. Instead opt for fresh meats such as fresh ground beef, chicken, turkey. There are also nitrate-free options out there in packages or at some deli counters. One of my favorite brands is Applegate! Make sure the bread is 100% whole grain and unprocessed or for those that opt for gluten-free, there are many great options out there as well, read your labels.

Salad Lovers – Skip the packaged salads and the highly processed dressings.  I know we find those little packets so easy to throw in our bags but most are loaded with saturated fats, preservatives, sodium and in some instances, even artificial flavorings and color.  Instead opt for fresh organic lettuce and a variety of chopped up colorful veggies.  Use fresh squeezed lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, pinch of sea salt and your choice of spices such as basil for your dressing.  If you need to add a protein, use organic grilled chicken, lean beef, tofu or your choice of fish such as leftovers from the night before or canned tuna or salmon.

Yogurt – Skip the colorfully packaged, kid-friendly yogurts!  Even adult versions of colorfully tainted yogurts are not your healthiest choice.  Most contain synthetic food coloring and artificial flavoring.  In a lot of instances they will also contain artificial sweeteners that will wreak havoc on your digestive system. Food colorings are also shown to cause allergic reactions and hyperactivity behavior in some children, according to CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest). Instead opt for Organic Greek Plain yogurt such as Oikos or FAGE.  If you need to add a little boost, add in a bit of raw honey, stevia or your favorite fresh fruit swirled in.  Greek yogurt's added benefit is it has twice the amount of protein than in regular yogurts. If you have a child that’s stuck on presentation, buy your own cute little kid-friendly cup and scoop it on in!

Chips & Dips- skip the bags of potato chips and pretzels, they have no nutritional value, they are filled with sodium and in some instances, unhealthy fats. They also lack fiber and protein. Instead opt for rice cakes or celery sticks with a small amount of peanut or almond butter on the side to dip. Baby carrots are another great choice to snack on with a side of hummus or yogurt dip.

Juice – Most juices especially if they come in a box are loaded with sugar. They contain artificial flavorings and colors and have hardly the nutritional value of real fresh fruit. They lack the fiber as well. Opt for fresh squeezed fruit like apple, orange or grapefruit. Store it in a thermos overnight so it’s still cold drinkable by day. You can always opt for water with fresh lemon squeezed in or even coconut water is a great option, filled with potassium and will keep you hydrated.

Soda –Diet or not, soda is nowhere a staple in any diet. It has no nutritional value whatsoever, will leave you feeling bloated and dehydrated. Regular soda is loaded with sugar and for those diet drinkers, it’s filled with artificial ingredients such as flavorings, color, and artificial sweeteners. It will add more to your waistline then subtract. Stick to water or if you need the bubbly, stick to seltzer with some lemon or lime.

Now, this doesn’t seem so hard, does it? Just a few small changes and in no time, you will be feeling better as well as your kids. Hmmm, maybe even smarter? How does that sound?

Feel free to contact me if you need support in how to fuel up with smarter choices or on how to get your kids to fuel up with smarter choices.

Dana Pettit Canneto, Holistic Health Coach, AADP

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