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Considering Rhinoplasty? Know The Facts Says CareMount Doctor

MOUNT KISCO, N.Y. -- Rhinoplasty, or plastic surgery of the nose, has become commonplace in today's world and is often performed to help patients both look and breathe better. 

Many rhinoplasty patients wish to narrow the bridge of their nose or have a bump removed. However, some patients with low bridges, particularly Asian or African-American patients, wish to have their bridge raised. In most cases, patients are often unhappy with the size, shape, or position of their nasal tip and wish to emphasize their unique facial features.

However, procedures aren't performed solely for cosmetic purposes; patients with difficulty breathing will often have related surgeries performed at the same time. The nose is separated into two nasal cavities, and a crooked septum -- often the result of prior trauma -- constricts airflow. As a result, patients experience increased congestion, postnasal drip and suffer from snoring. To fix this, doctors often perform a septoplasty to correct the abnormality, while they cosmetically repair the nose.

Most rhinoplasties take one to three hours, resulting in a small amount of bruising under each eye that lasts 7 to 10 days. From there, swelling is variable and decreases rapidly over the first two to four weeks. Generally, it's preferable to wait until the nose has stopped growing before having any type of nasal surgery which is approximately ages 15-16 females and 16-17 in males.

Rhinoplasty is considered to be one of the more complex plastic surgical procedures, making it important to select an experienced surgeon. A successful rhinoplasty maintains a functional airway, leaves a durable structure and creates a natural nose that harmonizes with the face.

To learn more about CareMount's ear, nose and throat services, click here.

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, CareMount Medical. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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