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A Small Bank With Big Aspirations Is Receiving National Attention

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. -- From its beginnings as a singular community bank in Yonkers to currently serving thousands of customers throughout the county, The Westchester Bank continues to receive national recognition by staying true to its local roots. 

The Westchester Bank was recently named one of the nation’s top-producing commercial lenders by Independent Banker Magazine, a national banking publication. This selection comes as The Westchester Bank continues its growth and expansion with a focus on small to mid-sized businesses throughout Westchester and surrounding areas. “Our success is a direct result of executing on a simple business model, Banking Made Personal," said John M. Tolomer, President and CEO of The Westchester Bank. 

The bank was recognized within the category of Community Bank Commercial Lenders with assets in excess of $500 million. As one of the top community banks in the nation, The Westchester Bank is working to continue providing personalized service to an even broader customer base. "Companies work with us because we understand the local landscape, listen to their needs and provide solutions to meet those goals," said Tolomer.

Since opening in 2008, the bank has created partnerships in the community to become a trustworthy and reliable Westchester institution. "We work in a highly personalized manner that reflects an internal culture of providing quality service and real customer care to each and every customer," said Tolomer. "We’re fortunate to have such a strong stable of business partners to work with as we continue to outpace our most optimistic projections, which is now exceeding $770 million in total assets."

The bank's selection comes on the heels of additional industry accolades received this year. As The Westchester Bank continues to expand and receive more attention, Tolomer wants to ensure the bank doesn't forget where it began. "We have proven that what we are doing works and really helps businesses and people in the community," said Tolomer. "‘Looking back, it’s important we remain consistent and customer-centric. This is what makes a community bank successful."

For more information about The Westchester Bank, click here. 

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, The Westchester Bank. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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