
Schools Supt. Marie C. Cirasella

Parents: Board Trustee's Out-Of-Town Basketball League Took Gym Time From Midland Park Kids Parents: Board Trustee's Out-Of-Town Basketball League Took Gym Time From Midland Park Kids
Parents: Board Trustee's Out-Of-Town Basketball League Took Gym Time From Midland Park Kids A group of Midland Park parents are questioning why the gym at their children’s public school was used for basketball games during the COVID pandemic by a private travel league controlled by a Board of Education member. More than half of the games played at the Highland School by the North/West Bergen/Passaic Basketball League between Feb. 7-March 7 didn’t include a Midland Park team, resident Jillian Mulder said. “We allowed hundreds of out of town residents un-abided access to our gym during a time when the board meetings themselves couldn’t be in person and our kids weren’t allowed in sc…