
Routes 1 and 9, NJ

Teaneck Commuters To See Change In Bus Route During 2nd Summer Of Hell Teaneck Commuters To See Change In Bus Route During 2nd Summer Of Hell
Teaneck Commuters To See Change In Bus Route During 2nd Summer Of Hell New Jersey commuters have just less than three weeks before the state's transportation department begins its next construction project -- making your already hellish commute even worse. The fateful day is Aug. 17, which marks the beginning of a two and-a-half year rehabilitation project for Route 495 Bridge over routes 1 and 9 and Paterson Plank Road in North Bergen, Department of Transportation officials announced. On Aug, 10, the 31st Street ramp from Kennedy Boulevard to Route 495 will close. You can expect severe congestion and detours -- lots and lots of detours. Below are the impact…