

Teaneck Dad Brings Authentic Kosher Mexican Food To Bergen County Teaneck Dad Brings Authentic Kosher Mexican Food To Bergen County
Teaneck Dad Brings Authentic Kosher Mexican Food To Bergen County Elmer Jimenez spent years working in kosher catering after immigrating from Oaxaca, Mexico to Teaneck in 2007.  What the dad of five noticed was that the Jewish community had plenty of kosher food options from around the world. What he couldn't find, though, was kosher Mexican food. So, 34-year-old Jimenez opened a spot of his own: Blue Star Cafe in Hackensack, a kosher Mexican restaurant under the Rabbinical Council of Bergen County. "The Jewish community will eat anything, like Italian or Indian," said Jimenez. "But they don't have kosher Mexican here and the challenge for me …