Dom’knows crap TV when it sees it: Pizza store drops MTV’s ‘Jersey Shore’

EDITORIAL: It was such a sweet irony: Domino’s, which poorly imitates pizza, sponsoring the faux Italian-Americans on MTV’s “Jersey Shore.” But now comes word that the cardboard-with-ketchup maker has pulled its ads — not out of simpatico bias with those who feel it disgraces a heritage but for some vague ad-speak rationale. So who’ll take their place? Olive Garden?

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot

It’s too easy to pick on this show, on reality TV, on Domino’s. And that’s the beauty of what they’re doing. Look at any successful TV series, or movie Western, or soap opera. All need a villain.

So MTV has “Jersey Shore.”

C’mon, take a whack! Take another! That’s right: Just put your money down right here and have a shot. Tune in, turn off. Watch those ratings rise!

It still won’t be enough, though.

Unfortunately for M(oron)TV, this show doesn’t seem to have stickability. It’s like a highly-anticipated film having boffo box-office the first weekend, then failing to draw flies after people see what crap it is. There are summer romances that will last longer than this clunker. So the more negative press, the better. Keep it in the limelight: Play to the curiosity factor.

Eventually, MTV will drop the show like a bad habit and find new ground to exploit. “Amish Country: Saturday mornings at 6.” Followed at 6:30 by “The Orthodox: Handful and Dredel.”

Of course, what would make “Jersey Shore” a winner is an episode in which the lamebrains, not making the connection, send out for Domino’s. The delivery guy ends up asking for autographs, but no one has a pen (why keep a tool on hand you don’t know how to use?).

So they sign his stomach in mascara, and he upchucks all over one of the chicks’ implants.

After which the guidos, of course, use their collective muscle to stomp him like a grape.

ALSO SEE: MTV and “Jersey Shore” guidos gone wild!


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