
Water Crisis

REPORT: These North Jersey Water Systems Contain Highest Lead Levels In State REPORT: These North Jersey Water Systems Contain Highest Lead Levels In State
Report: These North Jersey Water Systems Contain Highest Lead Levels In State New Jersey seems to have found itself in an ongoing water crisis. The most recent issue has been elevated levels of lead in dozens of water systems that serve thousands of people. While there are no "safe" lead levels, the federally-approved level is 15 parts per billion in drinking water, the article says. Here are the North Jersey water systems with the highest lead levels in the state, according to a review of violations issued by the NJDEP between January 2018 and January 2019 and reported by NJ.com. 5. Englewood Hospital (19.9 ppb): Serves 2,600 Englewood Hospital and Medi…