The operation, led by township Detective Capt. Vincent Laurentino involved an announcement that all classes were locked down while the Bergen County Sheriff's drug-sniffing K-9s were brought in -- with School Resource Officer Christopher Stanton and Principal John Lawlor in tow.
"They searched all hallway corridors and restrooms, specifically zeroing in on all students' lockers and areas where drugs could be secreted," Police Chief Robert Kugler told Daily Voice.
"The search and activities of this initiative requested by the school administration is a continuation of our pro-active stance to keep the school environment drug free and safe," Laurentino said.
Kugler noted that his department this past school year re-implemented the position of a full time school resource officer in the school.
"Together with our LEAD (Law Enforcement Against Drugs) program, implemented for all 6th grade students in our community, our policy and everyday mindset is clear," the chief said.
"We want to educate and prevent our young students and our community against the dangers and devastation that drugs create for them and society," he said.
Although no contraband was found during the half-hour search, Kugler said, "the bottom line message sent to the students is abundantly clear: We have a zero tolerance to the presence or activities of drugs in our schools."
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