MTV Crime Series Examines Jersey Shore Murder MTV Crime Series Examines Jersey Shore Murder
MTV Crime Series Examines Jersey Shore Murder MTV aired an episode of its "True Life Crime" series that explored the murder of Sarah Stern, whose body was thrown off a bridge in Monmouth County. Dometi Pongo investigated the December 2016 death of Sarah Stern, a teenager whose car was found abandoned on a bridge overlooking Shark River, leaving police to suspect a suicide. The episode included interviews with Stern's father, Michael Stern, as well as Stern's teachers and a student who helped police crack the case.  The student, Anthony Curry, was friends with McAtasney and was able to record McAtasney's confession to her murder w…
Community Rallying For Young Westfield Woman Hurt In Hit And Run Community Rallying For Young Westfield Woman Hurt In Hit And Run
Community Rallying For Young Westfield Woman Hurt In Hit And Run A woman from Westfield suffered serious injuries when she was struck by a hit and run driver in Belmar Saturday. Now, a GoFundMe campaign has been started to help her defray medical costs for the lower-body fractures and other injuries she sustained.  "We are asking Carly's friends and family for support as she gets back on her feet. The funds will be used to cover any medical, lodging, or extraneous expenses that may incur in her upcoming months of rehabilitation and to recuperate Carly's share in summer activities she had planned prior to the accident," the organizers wrote.  Th…
Headed To Jersey Shore? Maybe Avoid Belmar Beach Seeped With Sewage Headed To Jersey Shore? Maybe Avoid Belmar Beach Seeped With Sewage
Headed To Jersey Shore? Maybe Avoid Belmar Beach Seeped With Sewage If you were planning on heading to the L Street beach in Belmar this weekend, maybe reconsider. The beach was closed by state environmental officials after tests revealed water in the Shark River contained bacteria levels more than double of what's considered safe. The bacteria is likely from sewage overflow into a storm drain.