
Weapons Security

Halloween Scene: Traveler Tries Bringing Jumbo Kitchen Knife Aboard LaGuardia Flight Halloween Scene: Traveler Tries Bringing Jumbo Kitchen Knife Aboard LaGuardia Flight
Halloween Scene: Traveler Tries Bringing Jumbo Kitchen Knife Aboard LaGuardia Flight Other than to carve a Halloween pumpkin, a TSA spokeswoman asked why anyone would try to bring a jumbo kitchen knife aboard a flight after agents intercepted one at a LaGuardia Airport checkpoint. Agents nabbed a traveler with the "crazy-big" knife -- with an eight-inch blade -- at the Queens airport on Thursday, TSA Transportation Security Administration Public Affairs spokesperson Lisa Farbstein said. This comes after they found a "razor-sharp" throwing star among a traveler's carry-on items as he passed through the checkpoint. "Sorry, but martial arts weapons, by definition, are weapon…