
MDOT Motor Vehicle Administration

Hit The Brakes: Maryland Extends Grace Period For Video Tolls Two Weeks Hit The Brakes: Maryland Extends Grace Period For Video Tolls Two Weeks
Hit The Brakes: Maryland Extends Grace Period For Video Tolls Two Weeks Maryland motorists were given a brief reprieve by the Transportation Authority (MDTA), which extended the grace period to pay video tolls by two weeks. Since February, the Customer Assistance Plan has been in place to benefit drivers for nine months, offering a civil penalty waiver for video tolls. That grace period was set to expire, but got a two-week extension and will now end at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 14. The grace period initially was set to conclude at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 30. Original story - Last Call: Grace Period For Marylanders To Waive Civil Video Toll Pen…