
Strathmore Paper Mill

Paper Mill Catches On Fire For Fourth Time In 2020 - Reward Offered For Information Paper Mill Catches On Fire For Fourth Time In 2020 - Reward Offered For Information
Paper Mill Catches On Fire For Fourth Time In 2020 - Reward Offered For Information In six months, the vacant, sprawling Strathmore Paper Mill has been engulfed in flames four times - the most recent being Dec. 10. Fires were set in two of the old mill buildings in June, July, November, and December. The destruction released asbestos that the Department of Environmental Protection cleaned and is holding the property owner liable for costs. Owner Jacob Trudeau purchased the mill in 2019 for $15,000 and hoped to put a marijuana cultivation business there, according to the Berkshire Eagle. The building was not insured, the paper reported. At the time Trudeau said he had much…
Vacant Paper Mill Is On Fire - For The 4th Time Since June Vacant Paper Mill Is On Fire - For The 4th Time Since June
Vacant Paper Mill Is On Fire - For The 4th Time Since June For the fourth time since this summer, an empty paper factory has caught fire. In the early morning hours of Thursday, Dec. 10, firefighters received a report of flames at the old Strathmore Paper Mill on Valley View Avenue in Russell. As of 9 a.m. on Thursday, the fire was still blazing. This is the fourth time, the old paper mill has caught on fire in just over half a year. The sprawling, vacant mill complex caught on fire in June. The result was the destruction of building 2. Then there was another fire in July, a third in November, and now a fourth in December. A suspect, or suspec…