
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

MAYDAY: Fire Collapses Mormon Church In Maryland MAYDAY: Fire Collapses Mormon Church In Maryland
Mayday: Fire Collapses Mormon Church In Maryland A firefighter was injured in a devastating fire that broke out inside a Montgomery County church. First responders in Montgomery County and Washington DC were called to a two-alarm fire that broke out at a local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon church), authorities announced. Update - Western Avenue, Mormon Church, /nd Alarm, @mcfrs T710, AT719, M701, MAU716, CT740, SA700, EMS702 & DCFD on scene pic.twitter.com/5If4sq4aWR — Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) November 20, 2023 According to officials, the roof collapsed and the church sustained significant damage. One fir…