
Bestgate Road, Annapolis, MD

Funeral Arrangements Set, Traffic Advisory Issued For Maryland Sheriff's Deputy Funeral Arrangements Set, Traffic Advisory Issued For Maryland Sheriff's Deputy
Funeral Arrangements Set, Traffic Advisory Issued For Maryland Sheriff's Deputy Funeral details for the Anne Arundel County Sheriff's Deputy who suffered a heart attack after arriving for duty have been released, authorities say. Services for Deputy Scott C. McArdle will be held on Friday, Aug. 19 at the Saint John Neumann Church located at 620 N. Bestgate Road in Annapolis at 10:30 a.m., according to the Anne Arundel County Police Department.  Law enforcement personnel from across the state are expected to honor the life and service of Deputy McArdle who died of a heart attack on Sunday, Aug. 14.  Deputy McArdle joined the Sheriff’s Office in October 2…